Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 21 riding ...

Bike day 21 for me/11 to go
Quincy, IL to Lewistown, IL 90 miles
Build days done 3/build days left 4
Temp 96 F; humidity ??

Well I guess I lost last night's blog to the Internet "lost and found." Since I don't know how to find it I'll try to do it again.

Thursday: We stopped at a Methodist church camp outside of Lewistown. It was a very nice stop: 6 to a room with our own bed, shower in our room, swimming pool, gym, paddle boat pond, and lots of great food and people to serve it.

Yesterday I felt like Superman riding, today I'm back to mild mannered bike rider. I just could not get my rhythm going, everything seemed to move in slow motion. I was at least 5-7 MPH slower today, and could not keep up with any draft lines.

Since yesterday is already a day old and I can't remember it now, I'll just have to start tomorrow's blog.

Location:Lewistown, IL

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